Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hot Sundays

B offered to shower me today, as I am feeling mighty hot. But I really don't like water and am actually pretty afraid of it. B thinks its a psychological thing (whatever that is) in that I would not feel manly enough when drippin' wet. Honestly, I don't like it because it would take me forever to lick it all dry and as a male feline in a human world, I have no time for such adventures. I'd rather spend this time sleeping on Kip's lap and dreaming of big mice.

A couple weeks ago, I started to get a rash on my lips and when brought to my doctor (I hate the doctors, but I hate the ride to the doctors even more.) she said that I may have a ringworm. Kip says its a "hypothesis". Not sure what that means, but now I have to get my lips wiped with some gross smelling and soaky wipes. I hate it. I despise it. (Yes, I know what that word means, even though I am just a 16 week old feline.) B usually does it and I try to run away when the time comes. I hide after under the dining room table or under the couch. She always gets me (Her arms are mighty long for a female human.). I cannot wait for my legs to be long enough so I can jump like my big sister onto the loft and hide. B tries to appease (another big kitten word) me by pointing out that the rash goes away, but since I don't really recognize myself in the mirror (I am trying to become more self-aware like Sadie.), I am not sure of that is actually true.

Well, I am off now to another nap. Keep readin' my awesome blog because as they say "Life in the Fast Lane is never boring."

1 comment:

Lach Franqouemont said...

Hey Nickel, Don't even let B think about diving gear.